Three-day week, unless you live in Canada.
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BY: Air Slash
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: JohnInDenver
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
BY: davebarnes
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: JohnNorthofDenver
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: ParkHill
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: spaceman2021
IN: Colorado Republicans Seek New Leader from Bizarre Field of Candidates
BY: harrydoby
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: 2Jung2Die
IN: Monday Open Thread
BY: unnamed
IN: Vets On The Chopping Block While Gabe Evans Whistles Dixie
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Even famous movie directors want Hickenlooper to be Governor.
Saturday night at the closing film for he Denver Film Festival, director Ang Lee received the Mayor’s Lifetime Achievment Award.
In his acceptance, Lee told the Mayor that he had been a great mayor and Lee hoped that he would be a great Governor.
The Mayor laughed.
unless you live in Canada…or you’re an American Indian.
…or you are a state of CO worker. We have to work on Friday. Just a regular work day.
Or you work for a company that makes it a three day week but you also only get paid for three days….
Major news in the Jack Abramoff list of scandals: Michael Scanlon, Abramoff associate and former DeLay aide, has agreed to a plea deal and will co-operate with at least one of the Abramoff investigations. The indictment lists “Lobbyist A” – Abramoff – and “Representative #1” – identified by some as House Administration Commmittee Chair Rep. Bob Ney (R-OH) – as taking part in the crime for which Scanlon agreed to plead guilty.
Turning Scanlon may very well lead to a massive rush of indictments against many GOP and DC insider players; it is widely believed that he holds key knowledge of the workings of Abramoff’s schemes.
From my limited knowledge, at the top of the list after Abramoff and Ney are Tom “Funnel it through my charity” DeLay, Interior Secretary Gail “Indians are for bilking” Norton, Georgia State GOP Chair Ralph “Gamblin’s wrong unless I’m getting money from it” Reed, Americans for Tax Reform leader Grover “Government runs best when I’m getting paid to game it” Norquist, and Sen. Rick “K Street’s closer to home anyway” Santorum (R-PA).
A large swath of Congress has taken money from Abramoff or his clients (at Abramoff’s suggestion, usually to the Congresscritter’s PAC or ‘charity’). Much of the largesse that Abramoff spread went to the GOP side of the aisle, but other possible recipients include Dem. luminaries including Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid (a $5,000 donation to his PAC after he co-signed a letter to Gail Norton with most of the Congressional leadership on behalf of an Abramoff client; it might be noted that he would have likely signed anyway as it was in Nevada’s interests…)
I’ve worked in the private sector 42 years and NEVER had the Friday after thanksgiving as a day off.
Sorry to hear that, guys. I’ve worked in the private sector most all of my life, and I almost always have the Friday after Thanksgiving off, though I didn’t always get paid for it. Last year sucked, ’cause the contract agency I worked for wouldn’t pay me for Thanksgiving if I didn’t work the Friday, and the company I was working at didn’t work either day…
Guess all this conversation goes to show, it’s not that different between the private sector and the public.
PS – here’s what the Justice Department investigation alleges of Scanlon (from lefty poll-watching site My Due Diligence):
being part of a broad conspiracy to provide “things of value, including money, meals, trips and entertainment to federal public officials in return for agreements to perform official acts”. (emphasis mine, quoted excerpt directly from the Justice Department)
To translate, that means bribery. None of us really appreciate bribery, do we? No matter what the party?
Like most of us, Phoenix, my view of bribery depends in part upon whether I’m being asked to pay it or merely sharing in the boodle.
Private or public sector it does not matter. All of us end up paying tons more for health insurance! I work for the state as well. We never get the day off after Turkey Day.
Be thankful you work for the state and not the Denver Broncos, Goobers. They don’t even get this Thanksgiving off!
Yep Voyageur. Whether the glass is half full or half empty depends on who is doing the drinkin’ or the pourin’. Cheers to y’all either way.
And I’m praying they lose………….Oh, wait, I’m agnostic, I can’t pray………OK I’m really hoping they lose
So, Dick – I mean, voyageur – did you get a share of Abramoff’s kickbacks, or did he forget to add you to his winter holiday card list?
Or were you on the other end, receiving a share of new Indian casino dollars?
Phoenix, that no good scoundrel’s check bounced!
I hope he gets the death penalty.
if it wasn’t for my stock options in Exxon and the cost of living increase I got in my Social Security check, I’d be starving. But I look forward to a better year next year now that it’s legal to sell marijuana in Denver. Can I interest you in a few ounces of Wyoming Gold?
DPS has just two days this week.
DPS has just two days this week.
I’ll work for the Broncos at those salaries!
The flowers of the hemp plant turn gold because of sun bleaching. It is recognized by connoisseur’s as being inferior quality.
The dank is the stank. Get with the times man.
Have a highpy Thanksgiving!
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